LEXINGTON, Kentucky--QED Medical has introduced the ALOS-TTL through the lens video headlight system through HighQ Dental. The ALOS-TTL system provides a lightweight, user friendly method for collecting, or showing real time, line of sight footage of procedures with zero parallax from the doctors point of view. The system's new “pin-hole” lens technology, allows the ALOS-TTL to deliver depth of field to facilitate operator motion without the risk of drifting out of focus while the CCD chip provides image resolution. The ALOS-TTL allows others the opportunity to see a procedure as they will when performing the procedure they are learning. This system puts viewer sin the shoes of the doctor performing the procedure. Whether demonstrating in real-time or recording for future use, the ALOS-TTL system is a tool for the school, lecturing doctor, study club, manufacturers demonstrating products, or people interested in cataloguing procedures.The ALOS-TTL system includes the Altair HI 2 Fiber Optic Headlight with integrated TTL Camera and Pin-Hole Lens, Camera Control Unit (available in NTSC or PAL), Universal Power Supply and Nova 3 200-watt Light Source. High Q includes standard composite and S-VHS cables that allow the image to be directed to most available recording or viewing devices. For more information, visit www.highqdental.com, call High Q at (800) 775-3433, fax (480) 905-0794 or send an e-mail to [email protected] read more about HighQ Dental, go to HighQ Dental.To comment on this product, go to community.pennwelldentalgroup.com/.