Th 136356

Student News: Wine & Cheese Evening in San Antonio

Sept. 1, 2003
San Antonio's chapter of the Texas Association of Women Dentists had its annual Wine and Cheese event during the spring semester of 2003.
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San Antonio's chapter of the Texas Association of Women Dentists had its annual Wine and Cheese event during the spring semester of 2003. We had approximately 50 members, dentists, and guests at Little Italy restaurant in San Antonio. Sullivan-Schein Dental came to speak about their wonderful products and services. They gave a great demonstration and explanation of how to use their products and computers. It was a wonderful start for the students to begin thinking about what type of office planning they would like to utilize and a great new alternative product for the practicing dentists to consider. A wine connoisseur spoke in detail about two white wines and two red wines. Everyone had the opportunity to sample the wines as well as the delicious appetizers that were provided by Little Italy restaurant. We had meatballs, calamari, mozzarella sticks, cheeses, and more. The best part was the tiramisu that topped off the night. This was a nice opportunity for the students and dentists to speak to each other and get to know one another. The evening was a huge success. We all learned a lot about dentistry, office planning, wine, cheese, and food! We can't wait until next year's Wine and Cheese evening.

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Angela Tran, DS3 UTHSCSA