Almost everyone’s finances can use a little cleaning. So, whether your finances just track a little dirt into the room, or they have you wading hip deep in muck, here are 10 practices that will help clean you up.
1. Know your numbers – These include your income and expenses, credit score, interest rates you pay and earn, and more. When it comes to money, knowledge truly is power.
2. Keep it separate – If you run a business, don’t mix personal and business finances.
3. Know your money type – Taking a money personality assessment will let you know if you tend to be a spender, saver, or avoider, and this helps you steer clear of default behavior.
4. Don’t spend what you don’t have – Sound advice that many people ignore, and then regret they ignored it.
5. Save, no matter what – Even if you save only a few dollars at first, it’s forming the saving habit that counts.
6. Stay organized – Physical clutter contributes to mental clutter, which exacerbates financial avoidance.
7. Create a monthly spending plan – A plan keeps you aware of disparities between income and expenses.
8. Bank/pay bills online – The benefits of having 24/7 access outweigh perceived security risks.
9. Be card-conscious – Pay off purchases every month, or pay off your card before you make a purchase.
10. Find a money tracking system—and stick to it! – Consistent action is more important than the system you choose.