NYU College of Dentistry prepares for graduation

May 17, 2002
Henry Schein's Bergman, U.S. Representative Rangel to be honored

NYU College of Dentistry Dean Michael C. Alfano has announced the recipient of the Dr. Harry Strusser Memorial Award to be presented at the College's 2002 Graduation Ceremony, to be held Friday, May 24, at 10:30 a.m. in the Theater at Madison Square Garden.

"The College of Dentistry is honoring Stanley M. Bergman, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president of Henry Schein, Inc., because he exemplifies the spirit of NYU's slogan -- a private university in the public service," said Dean Alfano. Dean Alfano noted Bergman's work in helping to create and sustain grassroots healthcare, education, and entrepreneurial economic development initiatives in Africa, as well as other parts of the edeveloping world. Presented in recognition of significant contributions to public health, the Strusser Award honors Bergman for "personally modeling the determination and ability of the corporate sector at its finest to make a powerful impact on the oral health of communities near and far."

Charles B. Rangel, U.S. Representative from the 15th Congressional District, will give the graduation's keynoet address. "For over 30 years in public service, Congressman Rangel, a graduate of NYU and St. John's University School of Law, has consistently and vigorously supported improved access to healthcare for the poor," said Dean Alfano. "This is why I am pleased to present this year's David B. Kriser Medallion, the College's highest honor, to Congressman Rangel."

On May 24, more than 3,000 guests will join in celebrating the educational achievements of more than 400 candidates receiving the DDS degree, the AAS degree in dental hygiene, the BS degree in dental health education, and certificates in the postgraduate dental specialties.