Ever thought about continuing your education at The Pankey Institute? This coming fall, The Pankey Institute faculty may be traveling to you. Our 1.5-day "Optimal Dentistry" seminar is scheduled to be in Milwaukee on Sept. 30-Oct. 1, in Cincinnati on Nov. 4-5, and in San Jose on Dec. 2-3. Register to discover the things you must do to elevate your practice to the highest possible level, how to stop running from chair to chair so you do better dentistry for fewer patients, how to set up your cases so that they are always predictable, how to think about working with your patients so they accept your best care, how to use photography to build your practice, the truth about neuromuscular dentistry, why bite splints are your friend, and how to reduce debt and accumulate wealth. For more information call 1-800-4-PANKEY (1-800-472-6539) or visit www.pankey.org.