Plenty of distractions cut into our celebration of the new year, which we hope got off to a good start for you — the celebration itself on Jan. 1, Martin Luther King Day, NFL playoffs, some truly horrific weather for many of us, New Year’s resolutions for personal health and career development, etc., though, continued its incessant march to provide information for dental professionals.
The top 10 articles posted and read by dental professionals during January are listed below. If you missed reading any of the articles, a link is provided to guide you to the exact location of the article on DentistryIQ.
We look forward to meeting your information needs throughout 2014. Of course, if we’re not, send us an email or comment below regarding any of the articles listed here.
Title: New gaming app inspires kids to brush teeth
Author: DIQ staff
Date posted: Jan. 15, 2014
This “product announcement” on the website focused on a mobile gaming app called Toothsavers. The game was developed for the Kids’ Healthy Mouths campaign. Mission Not-Impossible: Save 10 characters from an “evil, cavity-creating sorceress” by, you know, brushing some teeth. The app even has a two-player version.
To read article, click here.
Title: An author recalls some of her more humorous moments in dentistry
Author: Cathy Seckman, RDH
Date posted: Jan. 8, 2014
Seckman, a long-time contributor to RDH magazine, penned this DentistryIQ exclusive presumably after reflecting upon her long career. As she states at the beginning, the article is about when “something funny happens to brighten the day.” Some of her amusing anecdotes will probably trigger your memories of funny days at the office.
To read article, click here.
Title: Tuesday Tip from Pride Institute: Stop the cancellations and no shows
Author: M.L. Wheaton, RDH
Date posted: Jan. 21, 2014
Every Tuesday, one of the many Pride experts weighs in on a practice management issue. Wheaton recommends a “debrief” at the end of an appointment to cut down on the no-shows six months down the road. No, it’s not an interrogation; it’s figuring out what keeps them coming back.
To read article, click here.
Title: Meth mouth and the ravages of an addiction: from a dental perspective
Author: Iman Sadri, DDS
Date posted: Jan. 10, 2014
Dr. Sadri admits that meth regained popularity as a result of “Breaking Bad.” But “ravages” is the correct word to use in the headline, because nothing matches meth as a nasty culprit inside the oral cavity.
To read article, click here.
Title: Enough talk about the oral-systemic link: It's time to bridge the gap between dentistry and medicine
Author: Charles Whitney, MD
Date posted: Jan. 13, 2014
Whitney, a physician who is very popular with the advocates of oral systemic links, acknowledges the gap between medical and dental professionals about the effects of oral bacteria on overall health. He wants you to help him build that bridge of collaboration between the professions. And, yeah, read his money-back guarantee to his patients who suffer a heart attack or stroke.
To read article, click here.
Title: New guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension
Author: Maria Perno Goldie, RDH
Date posted: Jan. 2, 2014
Goldie is the editor of RDH eVillage Focus. In the newsletter’s first issue of 2014, she reviews the new December 2013 guidelines for arterial hypertension published in JAMA. She writes, “Appropriate monitoring of blood pressure cannot only improve outcomes of dental care, but also play a role in improving the overall health of patients.”
To read article, click here.
Title: Some of the latest information about dental patient behavior and trends
Author: DentistryIQ staff
Date posted: Jan. 8, 2014
ZocDoc shared some of its statistics about patients scheduling dental appointments. January, by the way, is the most popular month for scheduling an appointment. Seattle offices have the shortest waiting times for patients upon arriving in the office. Must have something to do with getting ready for a Seahawks game, eh?
To read article, click here.
Title: Director's Message: 7 keys to eliminating conflict and creating synergy at work
Author: Kristine Hodsdon, RDH
Date posted: Jan. 21, 2014
Hodsdon is the director of the RDH eVillage newsletter. In the newsletter’s second issue of January, she focused on patient communication. Words, it turns out, have very little to do with it. “If your words say one thing and your posture or gestures say another,” she wrote, “your listener will see a disconnect.”
To read article, click here.
Title: Director's Message: When to hire a hygienist
Author: Kristine Hodsdon, RDH
Date posted: Jan. 6, 2014
Hodsdon noticed some dentists do not hire hygienists. Most often, the doctor is new to the profession and is just easing into traditional practice models, which include dental hygienists. But Kristine offers points on when that transition to having a dental hygiene operatory needs to occur.
To read article, click here.
Title: A dangerous new fad
Author: Maria Perno Goldie, RDH
Date posted: Jan. 2, 2014
By far the most popular article of January 2013, Goldie introduced the DentistryIQ staff to “cotton ball juicing,” just a day after the final holiday feast. We were horrified. Young women consume cotton balls, which expand and eliminate the sensation of hunger. Goldie points out there are some serious side effects of this habit.
To read article, click here.