- Quality over quantity.
- Have fun with networking. Imagine meeting incredible people who love supporting you, as well as you supporting them.
- Practice lowering your barriers and commit to being YOU.
- Practice an introduction that contains both credibility and humanness.
- Brainstorm about networking events to attend in your area. Pick three! Check Meetup.com, Chamber of Commerce, Leads Groups, EWomen Network, Google networking groups in your area…and RDH Under One Roof.
- Go! (Don’t chicken out.) Arrive early. Dress appropriately/professionally. (Not as if it’s a night out on the town.)
- Scan the room and pick two to four folks you feel drawn to whom you’d like to meet.
- Show up in service. Introduce yourself with a smile.
- ASK: What do you need next in your business? How can I support you?
- If the conversation goes well, set up a time to experience each other’s services/follow up/tea/coffee/phone/hike.
- Be honest about what you’re looking for: Venture partner, to be connected to someone, purely social etc.
Kristine Hodsdon RDH, MSEC
Director, RDH eVillage