RDH eVillage interviews dental hygienists who are passionate about their careers. These profiles are crafted to inspire you to reach your full potential.
Jamie Collins, RDH, CDA, lives in Idaho with her husband, Cory, and their four children. She currently works as a full-time hygienist, as well as an educator at the College of Western Idaho, in addition to acting as a content expert and contributor in multiple upcoming textbooks. Contact Jamie at [email protected].
She shares the steps taken with her career below.
RDH eVillage: Tell us a little about your educational background and current position.
Collins: I spent six years as a CDA before taking the leap to hygiene school. During that time, I taught dental assisting courses for two colleges, as well as a dental radiology course. I continue teaching in addition to working four days as a clinical hygienist.
RDH eVillage: What is your success secret?
Collins: I have an amazing support system in my family. My parents always encouraged me to follow my dreams. My husband is also a great support. He is always quick to encourage me, in all of my endeavors.
RDH eVillage: How have those elements helped you excel?
Collins: I am a very driven person and when I decide on something I would like or like to do, I research the possibilities and options before taking the chance.
RDH eVillage: What’s the biggest issue that hygienists face today?
Collins: An abundance of hygienists in an already oversaturated market is the biggest challenge for hygienists today, especially new graduates.
RDH eVillage: What is the best business or career advice you have ever received?
Collins: A well-experienced hygienist once told me to “encourage your patients for success and find something you can relate to them with on a personal level. The more comfortable they are with you, the more pleasant the appointment is, for everyone.” I have found this to be true on many levels, and I now consider many of my patients to be friends, both inside and outside of the office.
RDH eVillage: How were you hired for your current position?
Collins: I worked with Dr. Tuft at a large clinic and, when he purchased a practice and needed a hygienist, I was thrilled to join him.
RDH eVillage: What are your best life/work balance tips?
Collins: You must enjoy what you do and who you spend the day with; but keep what is most important in perspective, whether it be family, friends, or something else. There is more to us than our careers.
RDH eVillage: What is one thing most people do not know about you?
Collins: I have a strong desire to get into public speaking in the future.
RDH eVillage: What do you do to relax and feel rejuvenated?
Collins: I spend time with my family and kids. My children are five and eight and, when I am not working, you can find me with my family on some sort of adventure or mini vacation.
RDH eVillage: Do you have a favorite quote?
Collins: “That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger,” by Freidrich Nietzche. I have felt this many times through life’s challenges, both big and small.
RDH eVillage: How do you define success?
Collins: Simply: happiness! As long as I am happy overall, with my life and career decisions, and my children are happy, then I feel successful.