Many dental hygienists earn a pay scale that is not based entirely on an hourly rate or daily rate, often on straight commission. They shared details of their unique compensation packages in a salary survey hosted by RDH eVillage.This is the third article in a series about the salary survey. In previous issues, the impact of the economy and hourly rates were reported.RDH eVillage allows survey participants to report either an hourly rate, a daily rate, or a salary based on commissions or other incentives. An educated guess could have broken down daily rates into an hourly rate, or vice versa, since the survey asked about the number of hours worked per week. But, to avoid any assumptions, RDH eVillage published information about hourly rates and daily rates into two separate reports.As of Sept. 30, 1,448 RDH eVillage readers participated in the survey.A state-by-state breakdown of daily rates and details about commissions follows.AlabamaDaily rates: None reported. Ten reported hourly rates.Commissions: A part-time hygienist reported earning “33% of X-rays, prophys, fluoride, and perio care, nothing for the exam.”AlaskaFour reported hourly rates, but no daily rates. One hygienist reported earning $345 a day plus 5% of production.ArizonaDaily rates: $375, $320, $316, $242.50. The other 35 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rates: None reported; 24 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commissions:
Only one daily rate was reported, $275. The other eight non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rate: $350, $225. The other 63 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rate: $300 and $240. The other 36 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rate: None reported; the other 14 non-commission responses were hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rate: $260, $250, $250, $240. The other 16 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
Two daily rates were reported, $264.30 and $260, but no details about commissions were noted. Twelve readers reported hourly rates.Louisiana
Daily rate: $300, $300, $300, $285, $280, $280, $250, $200. The other seven of the 15 non-commission responses were hourly rates.Commissions:
No daily rates or information about commissions reported. All seven responses were for hourly rates.Maryland
Daily rate: $388, $380, $375, $360, $360. The other 23 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rate: $250 was the only daily rate reported; the other 31 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rate: $200 and $175; the other 57 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rate: $216 was the only daily rate reported; the other 25 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
The two daily rates were $220 and $210. One reader said pay was based on “29% of hygiene production times a percentage of office collection.”Missouri
Daily rate: The only one reported was $274.40; the other 27 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
No daily rates or information about commissions reported. Four responses reported hourly rates.Nebraska
No daily rates or information about commissions reported. Seventeen readers reported hourly rates.Nevada
Daily rate: The only one reported was $280; five non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rates: $436, $308, $280. Fourteen non-commission readers reported hourly rates. Commissions:
Daily rate: None reported; 35 non-commission responses reported hourly rates.Commissions:
No daily rates were reported, and one reader earns 30% of hygiene production. Six hygienists reported hourly rates.New York
Daily rate: $323 and $225. The other 58 non-commission readers who participated earned hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rate: $278, $269, $260, $257, $250, $240, $230, $228, $215, $215, $205. The average daily rate is $241. The other 27 non-commission readers who participated reported hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rate: All 20 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commission:
Daily rate: $134. The other 62 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commission:
Daily rate: $280, $230. The other six non-commission readers reported hourly rates. No commissions were reported.South Dakota
All three hygienists participating in the survey reported hourly rates, and no commissions were reported. Tennessee
Daily rate: $295, $260, $255, $255, $252, $252, $250, $230. The other 13 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rate: $350, $304, $290, $290, $275, $270, $253, $245, $240, $240, $230, $229, $200. The average daily rate is $263.Commission:
Daily rate: $420, $275, $250. The other 16 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commission:
All six readers reported hourly rates, and no one reported earning a commission.Virginia
Daily rate: $385, $325, $280, $280, $225. The other 32 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commissions:
Daily rates: All 58 non-commission responses involved hourly rates.Commissions:
One reader reported a daily rate of $190. The other six reported hourly rates. No one reported earning commissions.Wisconsin
All 41 readers reported earning hourly rates, and one reader added that they receive 3% quarterly bonuses.Wyoming
Both readers reported earning hourly rates, and no commissions were reported.
- 30% over 1,000 per day
- Hourly rate that has a floor and a ceiling $36-$42/hour
- Percentage over $800 production
- 20% after three times my daily rate is met, averaged monthly
- 40% of all my production
- Fridays I work at commission office 48% prophy, 31% films
- Daily pay of $350.00, then 35% of 83% (this percentage changes according to collections) of any amount over $1,200 (my daily production goal)
- 50% commission
- 60% prophys, SRP, perio maintenance; 20% nitrous oxide and Arestin
- $52 an hour plus office bonus, which is $10 to $30 per every day worked that month. Hygiene bonus on selling Arestin, bleaching, electric toothbrushes, etc. This averages out to add about $1000/month.
- I do earn commission at one office; it’s 9% of all perio maintenance, gross debrides, SRP, Arestin, laser, and sales.
- 60% hygiene production; 20% X-ray production.
- 50% commission on SRP procedures only.
- 35.00 per quad root planning.
- $40.00 per quad SRP and $25 per crown sold.
- $30 per quadrant, extra for SRP.
- $5 for each PerioChip placed.
- 30% of daily production.
- $350 daily minimum or 35% of production, whichever is higher.
- Bonus based on overall office production & collection.
- $40 an hour and 30% bonus.
- 15% of $800-$999; 20% of $1,000-$1,199; 25% of $1,200-plus.
- $350 per day and 50% of production over $900.
- $15 per SRP quad, $5 per Arestin site, $20 per BWX.
- $475 per day plus 50 % of any amount over.
Daily rates: None reported; 24 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commissions:
- 38% straight commission of my production.
- I am paid a set price per procedure. For example, 1110=$45, 4910=$65.
- 18.66% of total monthly production when attaining $86.80 per hour production level.
- I get between 50 cents and $25 for products I sell.
- 30% of all services provided by me.
- We earn commission if production per day is consistently $1400 or higher.
- 40% of everything.
- 29% of everything out of my operatory, plus possible bonus.
- 10% on STM of any type, $5 per Arestin, $5 per Rotadent.
- Guaranteed per day, plus commission up to 31%
- Straight 30% commission. No other benefits.
- 30% of collections excluding X-rays.
- $250 daily rate with quarterly bonus (equals 33% of my production).
- $250 daily, plus 25% of production above $900 daily.
- 10% of STM and products sold.
- 30% of amount over goal plus salary.
- $35.15 per hour plus bonus paid quarterly.
- 50% of anything performed by me.
- 35% on prophys and SRP, 25% on X-rays and fluoride.
- 36% commission of total production.
- 33% of X-rays and prophys, not exam
- 35% of total production.
Only one daily rate was reported, $275. The other eight non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
- Monthly production bonuses ranging up to $400 a month.
- $37 an hour, plus bonus when practice makes goal -- not significant.
- $28 an hour, plus 10% produced over $10,000 a month.
Daily rate: $350, $225. The other 63 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
- 20% 0f X-rays, Arestin, fluoride, and nitrous oxide.
- 50% of prophy fee, which is: $32 adult, and $23 children or one arch prophy.
- 33.3% of any services leaving the hygiene operatory except recare exams. Also, bonuses for bacterial testing and other bonus opportunities.
- 33%of collection. This is not the same as production because lots of discounts are given.
- 33% of production, excludes exams
- $35/hr plus a quarterly bonus ot 31% of our collection minus the hourly pay I've already received.
Daily rate: $300 and $240. The other 36 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commissions:
- A daily rate of $273 plus $26.50 for every patient over 10 seen in a day.
- Bonus available for meeting production goals, usually 3% to 10% of earnings.
Daily rate: None reported; the other 14 non-commission responses were hourly rates.Commissions:
- Straight 36% commission on production.
- I receive 30% of dental hygiene production that I do. This includes exams, radiographs, fluoride treatments, prophys, scaling & root planing, sealants, and desensitizing agents.
Daily rate: $260, $250, $250, $240. The other 16 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
- Daily base, and 30% of any amount over goal.
- $22 hourly and .065 of production.
- 32% of total production.
- 35% of production.
- 10% of daily production plus $30 an hour.
Two daily rates were reported, $264.30 and $260, but no details about commissions were noted. Twelve readers reported hourly rates.Louisiana
Daily rate: $300, $300, $300, $285, $280, $280, $250, $200. The other seven of the 15 non-commission responses were hourly rates.Commissions:
- 40% of my production.
No daily rates or information about commissions reported. All seven responses were for hourly rates.Maryland
Daily rate: $388, $380, $375, $360, $360. The other 23 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
- 20% of production.
- $26 per hour, plus one-third of anything produced over 3 times salary.
- 50% of collections.
Daily rate: $250 was the only daily rate reported; the other 31 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
- $31 per hour, plus 20% of hygiene production after 3 times salary.
- 10% of all perio treatment and product sales.
- Earn a percentage once my profits reach a certain amount on top of $32 per hour.
- 38.8% of all prophys, exams, fluorides’, sealants, and X-rays that I do.
- Office bonus is based on collections. Adds about $4 an hour (varies each month).
- 10% over $1,200 of services and products, except exams and X-rays.
Daily rate: $200 and $175; the other 57 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
- 12% over expected minimum production of $88.25 per hour.
- I get 26 percent of what I produce.
- 40% of all my production.
- I earn 10% of collections only after earning a minimum of $169.00 per hour of collections.
- 25% of fees charged. Only hygiene services. No pay when patients no show or cancel.
Daily rate: $216 was the only daily rate reported; the other 25 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
- 27% of gross.
- We get 27% of what we produce. For the first check of the month we get $27 an hour and then they subtract this out of our production. This is just so we get two paychecks.
- Bonus system, usually $800 quarterly.
- $30 base pay and then incentive of 26.5% of total production.
The two daily rates were $220 and $210. One reader said pay was based on “29% of hygiene production times a percentage of office collection.”Missouri
Daily rate: The only one reported was $274.40; the other 27 non-commission responses were for hourly rates.Commissions:
- Hourly plus 17% commission.
- 50% of all hygiene production.
- 25% of production.
No daily rates or information about commissions reported. Four responses reported hourly rates.Nebraska
No daily rates or information about commissions reported. Seventeen readers reported hourly rates.Nevada
Daily rate: The only one reported was $280; five non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commissions:
- Base paid rate of $43; if higher than $1000, one-third.
- 65% of dental cleanings, as well as X-rays and fluoride.
Daily rates: $436, $308, $280. Fourteen non-commission readers reported hourly rates. Commissions:
- 28% of everything produced in my room. Lately, they want to reduce the percentage for quad scales when the insurance provider is one we participate in and accept a lower fee as payment in full.
Daily rate: None reported; 35 non-commission responses reported hourly rates.Commissions:
- 10% of perio procedures.
- I get a small commission from my adult fluoride treatments, as well as any antibiotic treatments such as Arestin or Atridox. There is also a bonus program that is based on the entire office production and collections, which is usually attained at least six months out of the year.
- 30% commission with a minimum of $40 per hour.
- 30% of quad scales, prophys, X-rays, and fluoride.
No daily rates were reported, and one reader earns 30% of hygiene production. Six hygienists reported hourly rates.New York
Daily rate: $323 and $225. The other 58 non-commission readers who participated earned hourly rates.Commissions:
- I earn 30% of my daily production. We participate with some insurance companies so we have to adjust off our fees. So after every two-week pay period I have $300 to $900 adjusted off my total production. I work assisted hygiene three days a week and two days without an assistant.
- 30% of gross daily.
- Bonus is based on production minus my salary and supplies.
- $35 for every bleach kit (trays) made for patients.
- Very occasional bonus of $100, every six months or so.
Daily rate: $278, $269, $260, $257, $250, $240, $230, $228, $215, $215, $205. The average daily rate is $241. The other 27 non-commission readers who participated reported hourly rates.Commissions:
- I am given a percentage of what I produce excluding radiographs. The entire office receives bonuses for goals being met.
- Bonus is based on production goals, any where from $200 to $1,200 a month.
- 30% commission on all production, or hourly base rate of $42, whichever is greater.
- Hourly rate plus 4.5% of production (not including exams).
- For anything over our monthly goal, we receive 20%.
- 25% of net production.
- 30% of prophys, X-rays, fluoride, and STM fees.
- $275 base daily or 45% production, whatever is higher.
- 32.5% of all production from my rooms except exams.
- 37% of hygiene production.
Daily rate: All 20 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commission:
- 31.5% of all services provided in my chair except for exams.
- 35% of revenue generated in hygiene operatory, including doctor exams.
- 33% of production, with a guaranteed minimum of $250 a day.
Daily rate: $134. The other 62 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commission:
- 30% of collections.
- $20 an hour plus 6% of production.
- 40% of adjusted production.
- 26% of daily production.
- One-third of my production, exam included.
- I receive a percentage of any services performed, including products sold.
- Base rate plus a 30%, 40%, or 50% scale after reaching a minimum daily production.
- Entire office staff receives bonuses based on production.
- $34 an hour and 20% on production.
- Salary plus 33% of total over target.
- $28.50 per hour plus $5 bonus for each Arestin and adult fluoride (patients over the age of 20).
Daily rate: $280, $230. The other six non-commission readers reported hourly rates. No commissions were reported.South Dakota
All three hygienists participating in the survey reported hourly rates, and no commissions were reported. Tennessee
Daily rate: $295, $260, $255, $255, $252, $252, $250, $230. The other 13 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commissions:
- Commission bonus four times a year. I receive 25% of everything over $875 per day.
- Guaranteed $225 a day for production up to $700; any production over $700, an extra 30% is added.
Daily rate: $350, $304, $290, $290, $275, $270, $253, $245, $240, $240, $230, $229, $200. The average daily rate is $263.Commission:
- 35% of production, plus two uniforms and three weeks vacation.
- 15% after $600.
- $200 every two weeks if we meet an office goal, but it happens only about twice a year.
- $10 per Arestin, plus day rate.
- 100% of my salary is commission; I receive 38% of my production.
- Bonus system of anywhere up to $500 a month; it varies.
- Quarterly bonus; varies, but averages $1,500 per quarter.
- My base pay has a commission plan that is unobtainable. It is based on the month's net income from my services instead of gross. The insurance plans negate 30-50% of the gross income for the month.
- $235 base and 28%, 31%, or 36% depending on daily production. The higher the production, the higher the percentage.
- 31% of all procedures.
- We receive a quarterly bonus that is reflected in the yearly salary.
- Production percentage is based on myself and dentist’s production.
- $42 per hour or 33% commission not including exams, one week paid vacation, 0% to 3% contribution to 401K.
Daily rate: $420, $275, $250. The other 16 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commission:
- 35% of all services: oral exam, X-rays, perio, and prophy services.
- 15%, plus $15 hourly.
- 20% of hygiene collections for the practice.
All six readers reported hourly rates, and no one reported earning a commission.Virginia
Daily rate: $385, $325, $280, $280, $225. The other 32 non-commission readers reported hourly rates.Commissions:
- $100 bonus per month.
- 33% of all services performed.
Daily rates: All 58 non-commission responses involved hourly rates.Commissions:
- 3% bonus on monthly production; the average is $500.
- Salary of $3,500 a month plus 20% of all profits split between three of us.
One reader reported a daily rate of $190. The other six reported hourly rates. No one reported earning commissions.Wisconsin
All 41 readers reported earning hourly rates, and one reader added that they receive 3% quarterly bonuses.Wyoming
Both readers reported earning hourly rates, and no commissions were reported.