Air Techniques, Inc. announced on Feb. 2, 2012, that its Spectra Caries Detection Aid has been featured in its first clinical study: "In Vitro Evaluation of the Spectra Early Caries Detection System," published in The Journal of Clinical Dentistry.
“We are extremely pleased to have our Spectra Caries Detection Aid clinically evaluated by some of the leading practitioners on the eastern seaboard and clinical professors of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey,” said Joseph Zekoski, vice president, product management. “This study reinforces the message that Air Techniques has been communicating about Spectra.”
Spectra is a handheld device that uses fluorescence technology to emit safe high-energy LED light onto the tooth surface. The tooth is then shown on a monitor, which clearly displays both a color and numerical reading to precisely indicate the existence and extent of any decay, calculus or plaque. Spectra is the only handheld caries detection device on the market with these capabilities.
The evaluation of Spectra covered a variety of objectives including: assessing the diagnostic accuracy of Spectra by scientifically comparing Spectra analyses to other methods of occlusal caries detection such as clinical caries scores, radiographic assessment, and histological evaluation.
At the conclusion of the study, Spectra was named “a promising technology for the diagnosis and for monitoring the progression of occlusal caries.” Spectra successfully illustrated the full spectrum of caries severity, from enamel demineralization to dentin decay.
For more information about Spectra Caries Detection Aid, visit: