Kasha Lower, RDH

Lower selected as Pros in the Profession

April 11, 2012
Crest Oral-B announces fourth Pros in the Profession recipient in second year of award. Kasha Lower of Florida was announced as the recipient.

Crest Oral-B announced on April 11, 2012, that Kasha Lower, RDH, of New Port Richey is the fourth recipient in the second year of the company's Pros in the Profession awards program.

To view a video about Lower's award, click here.

The Procter & Gamble announcement about Lower stated, "Kasha is passionate about community service and giving back to those in need. She is an active volunteer for the Great American Teach-In, a program in which she visits local schools and teaches children about the importance of oral health.

"She also regularly works with the Smile Faith Foundation, an organization that helps physically damaged patients restore their smiles, regain their confidence, discover their personal growth and venture into new career opportunities through major dental care and life-coach counseling."

Lower has been practicing dental hygiene for more than 14 years, after earning an associate's degree from Pasco-Hernando Community College. Kasha currently resides in New Port Richey, Fla., with her husband and son.

The announcement also said of the dental hygienist: "One of Kasha’s most memorable experiences in her career occurred while performing a routine head and neck exam, during which she detected a cancerous lump in her patient’s neck. Kasha considers this experience a testament to the importance of thorough patient examinations and the crucial role dental hygienists can play not only in oral care, but in overall health."

To learn more about Pros in the Profession, please visit www.prosintheprofession.com.