Update on the ADAA
The ADAA is undergoing some big changes during the new year, and the organization told members the news via a letter on the ADDA website written by Kimberly Bland, CDA, EFDA, MEd, ADAA 2014-2015 President. Here is what the letter said....
I am contacting you today to give you a status update on where the ADAA is in regard to the transition it is making in its management. I would also like to try to shed some additional light on the reasons why the association needed to make a transition at this time. Please know that it was not an easy decision for any of us, and it was difficult to say goodbye to people with whom we had worked for years.
In the summer and fall of 2014, ADAA conducted an organizational and governance review to help us better serve our members in a more efficient and effective way. As we progressed through the review, we also received the audited data necessary to study our financial performance for the fiscal year 2013. Results of our organizational review and financial reports from our auditor led us to the realization that an immediate and urgent threat existed with regards to our association’s financial stability. We were experiencing trends in our cash flow that indicated that we would not continue to be in existence past the first quarter of 2015 if we chose to continue in the manner we were currently working. In a nutshell, we could no longer afford to retain our current staff, stay in the current office space, and employ an executive director.
In the fall of 2014, an Ad-hoc Committee for Association Transition... Click here to read the entire letter.