Why is saying goodbye to your dental practice so hard?
Kimberly Morgan did not want to say goodbye, especially since she's been at her dream job for so many years. But she realizes change is inevitable, and making the best of it and finding the good will set you up to succeed in your new venture.
This article originally appeared in Dental Assisting & Office Manager Digest. Subscribe to the monthly e-newsletter here.
Have you ever had to change jobs or move to a new area? If so, you know that change can be hard, very, very hard. Whether you’re contemplating a new career move or moving to a new area, these events require adjustments in your daily life. Change can cause stress and grief. The challenge is being able to cope and persevere.
I recently experienced change. After 18 years of working in a wonderful dental practice that I truly call home, I had to give my notice that I would be moving due to my husband’s career change. The day I had to inform my boss, I experienced heartache like I never had before. It felt like a death in the family. I had become so close to all my coworkers, patients, and mentor, also known as my employer. Each one of them impacted me in one way or another and have helped make me the person I am today. I’m forever grateful for their friendship.
I have to admit that the unknown is scary. I must find a new home in a new state, find new friends, and most of all, find a new job! Will my new coworkers even come close to my former ones? Will my new job make me feel as important and appreciated? Being the new girl has its pros and cons, but it’s always daunting when your new patients ask where the other girl is. Many will give you a chance, but some will remind you how much they liked the person you’re replacing.
This is where I must take a moment to make some important points. As I take on my new venture, I realize someone else is doing the same thing and stepping into my shoes, and is being confronted with the same questions and observations from patients. Isn’t that weird? We can feel so alone and scared, but many people experience the same events. That’s why you must stay strong and move on. Give change a chance and more times than not, when you look back, you’ll be thankful for where you’ve been and happier where you are now.
If you find yourself in this position, remember to thank the ones you must tell goodbye. Look forward to your new venture, new friends, and new people entering your life. No one has a crystal ball to know what’s ahead, and that can frighten us. But we need to push through and stay positive. I am determined to find my dream home and dream job once again. I will find new friends, but they will never replace my old friends. This experience will make me stronger and better. “Every ending has a new beginning.”