Dental practice owners are moving into week two of practice shutdowns. Everyone went into the situation with little or no warning, and working through the various issues that are accompanying the shutdown may be overwhelming. This DentistryIQ video series is designed to offer some guidance. In this second video, Tim Twigg, leading expert in the area of human resources for the health-care industry, and DentistryIQ Chief Editor Pamela Maragliano-Muniz discuss the many aspects of how to handle team members during this complicated time, including how to legally and correctly compensate them.
Editor's note: This video is second in a DentistryIQ webinar series that addresses the impact of coronavirus on the dental industry. Subsequent episodes will be posted in the DentistryIQ Coronavirus Resource Center.
View the first video—Coronavirus impact on dental practices: Taxes, new laws, and cash flow