Choosing a combination of dental implants and drilling procedures that suits bone conditions at the implant site: a clinical presentation
Fig. 84 mm diameter Low Profile Abutments (BIOMET 3i) were chosen for the 5 mm diameter implants to provide for platform switching. The abutments were placed into the internal interface of the implants using the ASYST® Abutment Placement Tool (Fig. 9). The Low Profile Abutments were tightened to 20 Ncm using a Standard Abutment Driver Tip and a torque device (Fig. 10). QuickBridge® Titanium Temporary Cylinders (BIOMET 3i) were placed onto the abutments (Fig. 11), followed by the placement of QuickBridge Caps (PEEK) (Figs. 12 and 13). A vacuum-formed template made presurgically was filled with self-curing composite resin and inserted over the Abutment/Temporary Cylinder/QuickBridge Caps complex. Once the material set, per the manufacturer’s instructions, the template was removed, followed by the provisional restoration. The QuickBridge Caps were picked up in the provisional restoration. The provisional restoration was trimmed and polished and reseated intraorally.