Content Dam Diq Online Articles 2019 04 Recall Visit Winteregg

DE's Recall Visit (video)—'Selling' dentistry with Dr. Greg Winteregg

April 5, 2019
Dentists must overcome the stigma of "selling" dentistry. Dr. Greg Winteregg says that no business exists without without a product being sold.

Dr. Chris Salierno chats with Dr. Gregory Winteregg in the latest DE’s Recall Visit. In his March 2019 Dental Economics article, “Does dentistry need to be ‘sold?’” Dr. Winteregg advises dentists to stop being embarrassed or shy about using the word “sell.” He acknowledges that no company exists without the product being sold.

Getting past this mindset requires a change of viewpoint on the part of the practice owner. Dr. Winteregg himself got past the inhibition of “selling” dentistry and now simply informs patients what they need and why they need it. As a result, his practice boomed.

He discusses how his fellow dentists can adopt this mindset and become less inhibited about selling, and therefore become more successful. Find out how you can get there in this new DE’s Recall Visit.

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