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Dear Boss: The pandemic truly brought out the worst in you

March 10, 2021
They say times of crisis reveal a person's true character; that certainly seems to be the case with this month's "Dear Boss" recipient. The field of dentistry is stressful enough right now, but this boss is making it worse.

The Dental Office Manager Digest column “Dear Boss” is designed for office managers to be able to speak their minds by anonymously writing a “letter” to their boss. Send your letters to [email protected]. Depending on how many are received, your letter may take a while to appear in DOMD.

Dear Boss,  

Your lack of concern for others and irrational behavior during these trying times has the entire office on edge. I honestly think that your pride and narcissistic behavior is putting us (your staff) all at risk. You refuse to change your mask throughout the day and don’t send staff home when they are feeling under the weather. You believe you know more and ignore the facts or severity of the situation that we all are in.

It is scary enough as it is to be in the dental field right now; working for a know-it-all doctor who doesn’t take anything seriously makes it worse. Since staff members were calling out sick often, the team suggested we hire someone to come in and disinfect at the end of each day on top of what we do, just for peace of mind. Your arrogant response was to laugh and ask, “Aren’t I paying you guys to do that already?” We don’t need that. Your lack of sensitivity and compassion for your team has led to many in the office leaving. Many that worked for you for years and mastered what they do. Now we are left with a short staff and are overwhelmed while you haven’t a care in the world.

It is unfortunate that these times brought out the absolute worst in you. You have yet to schedule a team huddle even though they’ve been requested multiple times. Your lack of empathy and gratitude towards your staff is disappointing. The morale in this office is the worse it’s ever been, and I am over it!



P.S. Consider this my two weeks’ notice.

Do you want to write a "letter" to your boss? Send it to [email protected] and watch for your letter to appear anonymously on DentistryIQ. To read past articles, visit DentistryIQ and search for "Dear Boss."