PracticeWorks supports Climb for a Cause organization with sponsorship

April 14, 2008
Climb for a Cause is a nonprofit foundation that raises money through annual climbing events to provide dental care for children in third world countries.

ATLANTA--PracticeWorks, Inc. has announced it will sponsor Climb for a Cause, a nonprofit foundation that raises money through annual climbing events to provide dental care for children in third world countries.

The 2008 event will be a "nontechnical" climb of Mt. Marcy, near Lake Placid, N.Y.

"We have joined with other companies to sponsor this worthwhile organization and its important work in providing dental care to children that would otherwise have none," said Paul Tucker, PracticeWorks' director of marketing and a member of the organization's advisory board. "We recommend that dentists across the nation join us in supporting this worthy cause."

In July of 2007, the organization's annual climbing event was held at Mt. Hood, Ore. Through this event, the organization raised nearly $75,000, enough to fund dental education and treatment projects in Cambodia and Guatemala for two years.

Daniel Bobrow, executive director of Climb for a Cause and president of American Dental Marketing Company, added, "We're thrilled to have one of the industry's leading companies supporting our efforts. We've already received great benefit in terms of creating both awareness and participation among the dental community, and so feel the association is off to a great start."

The organization offers a variety of donor, hiker, and sponsorship opportunities. Dentists and staff can support the organization by participating in the annual climbs or by donating funds, equipment or supplies, and many companies sponsor events and make donations to the organization.

All funds raised from these efforts are applied to the organization's dental care projects around the world. For more information, visit Climb for a Cause.

For more information, contact a PracticeWorks representative, call (800) 944-6365 or visit PracticeWorks.

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