3 ways to stay up to date with dental innovations
This California dentist realizes that her peers don't have much time to stay on top of the latest dental innovations, but she stresses the importance of doing so. Here are her tips for keeping up with the rapidly evolving dental profession.
It can be extremely difficult to stay abreast of all the technological advances in the dental realm, however, it is vital to keep up. Doing so will ensure that your patients and your team have access to the most recent and reliable pieces of information.
Here are three ways that you can stay up to date with technological advancements across the industry.
1.Make it a habit to stay looped in—This is easier said than done. I suggest finding three to four worthwhile sources of dental industry news and carving out an hour or so each month to peruse everything that is going on in the field. More often than not there will be overlap in the articles you read on an outlet-by-outlet basis. But relying solely on one source can lead to you missing certain details and updates.
2. Consider investing in new pieces of equipment every few years—A few years ago, our office decided to provide our patients with one-visit crowns through our in-office CEREC System. Before we did so, however, we took a step back and considered the pros and cons. Luckily for us, it ended up being a terrific decision and it taught us to approach each and every new piece of equipment with a “buyer’s mentality.”
In other words, we learned to not be dazzled only by the promises of new technology and instead we thought critically about how these can be implemented by dental professionals. Even though we are happy with our current equipment, we now have no qualms about admiring and obsessing over new equipment too.
3. Don’t dismiss seemingly improbable ideas—We often read stories about incredible innovations, only to realize that the actual implementation of these innovations might be decades down the line. This makes it very tempting to dismiss posts about “trending” topics. You really shouldn’t though. Dental technology is progressing at a speed that many would think impossible. Every day there are more studies being discussed and more possibilities rising to the surface. So, suspend your disbelief and stay looped in. You never know how quickly these concepts can become tangible.