
UOR profiles, part 5: Hygienists share what they like about career, personal time, and conference

Nov. 7, 2016
Three dental hygienists share details about their careers and RDH Under One Roof (UOR). 

Bettina Gigliello, RDH, BS

School: The University of Missouri-Kansas City, School of Dentistry in 2000. “I applied to this program because they offered a senior year practicum in oncology and special patient care, which helped me develop my passion for the relationship between systemic and oral health.”

Practices where: She has practiced with Dr. Ted Sherwin in Orange, Va., for almost five years. Her dental hygiene career also included practices in Kansas and West Virginia. In addition, she was worked in Utah as as a periodontal surgical assistant. She also is a former faculty member at Germanna Community College in Virginia. “Prior to moving to Virginia, I have had the privilege of creating a position with Hospice of West Virginia as a "Palliative Oral Care Specialist" and taught the nursing staff how to provide comfort for patients with mouth pain.”

Career highlights: “My career in dental hygiene has been far more dynamic that I ever imagined. I have never lost my passion for the work I do, and it continues to evolve and be challenging and exciting every day. If I dream it, I find ways to make it happen. The research being published right now keeps me on my toes. I'm constantly reading and looking for practical applications to improve my patients' health.”

Favorite patient: “There have been so many this week alone! If you're truly observant, every patient comes with their habits, behaviors, and beliefs in addition to their genetics that provides an opportunity for customized care. The one situation that really stands out in my mind was a 30-year-old woman, who was moderately overweight. She carried excess weight in her abdominal area. She described symptoms that were indicative of diabetes mellitus and possibly PCOS, which her doctor had suggested. When I tilted her back I noticed that the dental light reflected differently in her right eye. The patient reported a mild loss in peripheral vision and occasional blurring, which she attributed to eye strain. While examining her mouth, I noted that she was only brushing the left side well. The right side had increased plaque and inflammation. With further questioning, the patient reported frequent headaches. I gave her the name of a neurologist and advised that she make an appointment for evaluation. I suspected a pituitary adenoma. She asked me to call the neurologist and let him know my findings, and I disclosed my suspicion to him. The following week, I received a call from him, and his exact words were, ‘You are one heck of a hygienist!’ She did indeed have a pituitary adenoma, which they were able to shrink with medication.”

Outside of work: She is married with a 16-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter. “I need to spend more time exploring hobbies. I do love cooking and just recently discovered I like to paint. I love adventures with my family. The teen years are such a fun time. Whether it's an adventure in D.C. or Richmond, camping at the beach, or just a movie night at home, they are my favorite people in the world.”

Reached decision about RDH Under One Roof how: “It was in my backyard! I've wanted to go every year, and didn't get the chance. I couldn't miss it! And I went with our newly graduated hygienist, Helen Dawley Bradley, which was amazing! It really helped us solidify our hygiene program. It's like working with the younger, fresher version of me. We make a great team.”
Best UOR takeaway: “I was so excited to see the focus on holistic health. The information on sleep, nutrition, and stress management has made its way into every patient consultation. I also really enjoyed the research on autoimmune disorders and oral health.”


Read previously published UOR profiles


Joy Void-Holmes, RDH

School: Howard University, class of 1997.

Practices where: She is a dental hygiene instructor at Fortis College in Landover, Md. When in private practice, she worked in dental offices in downtown Washington, D.C.

Career highlights: “I enjoy helping my patients recognize oral disease and learn the oral systemic connection. As an instructor, I enjoy educating future hygienists.”

Favorite patient: “The most interesting patient I treated was early on in my career. This patient was from another country and did not value my services as an oral health-care provider or as a woman. At the end of his treatment, he stated that I provided him the best comprehensive care he had ever received in his 65 years of living. This patient has been actively receiving dental hygiene care routinely for the past 18 years.”

Outside of work: “Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my four children. I am an active volunteer at the local Boys & Girls club. I also enjoy continuing my education. I am currently pursuing a doctorate in health science and will be graduating in December 2017.”

Reached decision about RDH Under One Roof how: “I decided to attend RDH UOR because I felt the need to network and to see what new and innovative products were on the market. In addition, I was interested in learning more about biofilm management.”
Best UOR takeaway: “The greatest impact for me was seeing two former coworkers. Both had worked alongside me as dental hygiene assistant. While working together, I would always encourage them to go to hygiene school. At the conference, I found out they both took my advice and have been practicing hygiene for the past five years.”

Rheanna Caldwell, RDH

School: She graduated from Quinsigamond Community College in 2003.

Practices where: She currently practices in South Attleboro, Mass., for Dr. Jim Phelan of Exquisite Smiles. “He is truly one of the kindest dentists I have ever worked with, and his patients love him and the practice very much. I've also practiced in New York as a full-time volunteer providing dental hygiene care for a community of other full-time volunteers.”

Career highlights: For eight years, I had the privilege to work with Dr. Valentina Pasquantonio in Sudbury, Mass., as both her hygienist and assistant. I learned a tremendous amount from Dr. Pasquantonio, who focused on bacteriology with all her patients, using a phase microscope to look at the bacteria in each patient's mouth. She was not afraid to keep up with technology and research. Toward the end of her clinical career, she began to perform frenectomies to correct lip and tongue ties on infants who could not breast-feed properly, which I assisted her with. That really began to open my eyes to the world of orofacial myology and development. I will always be truly grateful for the education I received working with Dr. Pasquantonio.”

Favorite patient: “My most satisfying moment as a hygienist comes when a patient turns to look at me and says, "Thank you.” No one has ever explained that to me before. The ah-ha moments are the best. Looking to the future, I'm excited about all the different avenues of opportunity I have with a dental hygiene background.”

Outside of work: “I have always chosen to work part-time to support my full-time ministry, which both my husband Kyle and I are involved in. We love traveling all over the world, visiting our families, cooking, and watching the hilarious antics of our cat, Kuala. He's a photographer, so when we're traveling you'll find me taking silly selfies while he takes all the real pictures in the background!”

Reached decision about RDH Under One Roof how: “The longer I'm in practice, the more I want to learn, and I want to really dig deep into the science of it. I haven't consistently been able to find the high quality of continuing education on a local level, which just left me feeling hungry. For quite a few years, I couldn't attend RDH UOR because of the dates or location, so I was really excited to finally get to go in 2015 for the first time. I walked away feeling full. And knew I had to come back.”
Best UOR takeaway: “In 2015, I took several excellent courses on biofilm, which prompted me to get back to my office and get the Perio Protect program started in the office. I also was deeply impacted by Dr. Ben Miraglia's course on orofacial development, and, in combination with what I had already started to learn in working with lip and tongue ties, everything clicked in my head. I returned this year to RDH UOR to take another one of Dr. Miraglia's classes, and it really solidified for me the direction I'd like to move in next. Orofacial myology fascinates me, and is obviously a huge need in our patient population. I'm so glad that RDH UOR opened my eyes to see new doors of opportunity!”

For more information about RDH Under One Roof, click here.
About the Author

Mark Hartley

Mark Hartley is the editor of RDH magazine and collaborates with Kristine Hodsdon on many of the articles for RDH eVillage, which also appear on