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Air Techniques introduces CamX Elara Intraoral Camera and next-generation CamX Spectra Caries Detection Aid

Aug. 9, 2016
Air Techniques Inc., a manufacturer of dental equipment, has announced the next generation of the CamX Spectra Caries Detection Aid and the debut of the CamX Elara, a new intraoral camera.

Air Techniques Inc., a manufacturer of dental equipment, has announced the next generation of the CamX Spectra Caries Detection Aid and the debut of the CamX Elara, a new intraoral camera.

The CamX family of products from Air Techniques is designed to provide support for dental treatments and enhance patient understanding of necessary treatment.

Sturdy yet lightweight, the CamX Spectra and CamX Elara are designed to be ergonomic and fit comfortably in any practitioner’s hand. The new cameras feature a unique capture-upon-release feature that makes capturing images steady, sharp, and simple. Each camera also features a tactile image-capture confirmation—a short vibration telling you that an image has been captured. Capture buttons are located on the top and bottom of the cameras. The cameras also feature a motion sensor that automatically turns the cameras on and off.

The CamX Spectra Caries Detection Aid uses fluorescence technology to visualize and discover caries, plaque, and calculus. The CamX Elara Intraoral Camera features eight white LEDs and is always in focus from 5–35 mm, making the camera easy to use and eliminating the need for further adjustments.

"The new CamX Spectra and Elara offer a modern, sleek design that combines ergonomic excellence with sophisticated caries detection and intraoral camera functionality," said Lindsay Viola, product manager of diagnostic systems. "Our new cameras offer benefits from patient communication and caries diagnostics to documentation and tracking patient hygiene or caries progress."

For more information about the CamX Spectra or CamX Elara, visit

Source: Air Techniques Inc. press release, 1 August 2016

Air Techniques announces new camera for CamX brand
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