Dear Flossy Web

Dear Flossy: Advice on dental hygiene career alternatives

Dear Flossy is a new career advice column for dental hygienists who are considering careers outside clinical hygiene.

Thinking of evolving your career, but have no idea where to start? Check out past answers and send your own questions here, or use the form at the bottom of the page:

[email protected]


How to send a question:
Send your question to [email protected] or by using the form below. Questions about a specific aspect of career alternatives are easier to answer. If you have special interests or circumstances, let us know as much as you feel comfortable. Selected responses will be published on and included in our hygiene newsletters. Questions may be edited slightly and will be published anonymously.

How to receive the responses: Each column will be published in the RDH eVillage Focus e-newsletter. Simply subscribe to receive all of the updates along with other great hygiene content two times per month.

Where to view past responses: Click here.

How to connect with other hygienists: Due to the overwhelming amount of interest in this topic, RDH Under One Roof is hosting a special career mentorship session on July 26, 2016, in National Harbor, Maryland. You do not need to be a conference attendee to participate in this special session, but preregistration is required. Click here to learn more.


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