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Beginning the exploration process in dentistry

March 3, 2015
Dr. Stacey Simmons says, “Oftentimes, just seeing and reading about something will get your thought processes turning, so you start asking questions to begin your own exploration process.” Here, she introduces the articles for this month’s issue of DE’s Breakthrough Clinical newsletter, which, she hopes will expand your horizons.

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Perhaps the most exciting moments in dentistry are when you gain an understanding of a concept, apply it, and see favorable results. You will never go back, because satisfaction has been found within this new status quo. Oftentimes, just seeing and reading about something will get your thought processes turning, so you start asking questions to begin your own exploration process.

That is the intent with the articles featured in this month’s Breakthrough Clinical. What do you do when you have an ankylosed primary tooth with no permanent successor? What role can physical therapists have in treating TMD, and why has the dental profession not embraced their services more? These questions are answered by Dr. Sarver, head of the American Association of Orthodontists, and Jeff Humphrey, a certified physical therapist and craniofacial specialist.

So sit back, expand your horizons, and enjoy the experience!

Best and cheers!

Stacey L. Simmons, DDS
Editor, DE’s Breakthrough Clinical with Stacey Simmons, DDS

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