Ask Dr. Christensen: Will dental or medical third party payers pay for snoring treatment?
Dr. Gordon Christensen answers questions from readers and offers his answers based on research, dentists' opinions worldwide, and personal observation.
Do you think third payment companies should pay for snoring appliances? Dr. Christensen does, but third party payment companies do not. He explains that if you have tests done and find that there is snoring being accompanied by sleep apnea, then medical plans will pay, and dental plans will not.
If you want to get involved in dental sleep medicine, you need to take a course on the subject. Dr. Christensen thinks that now is the time to look into sleep apena for both physicans and dentists, most of whom generally do not have a lot of information on the subject. It’s becoming more and more predominant and people are seeking help more often. It's great for practice growth.
Watch what else Dr. Christensen has to say in this week's video.
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