Periodontal therapy and perioscopy: a new nonsurgical option
"The Symbiotic Relationship between Perioscopy and LANAP in the Treatment of Periodontal Disease: A New Paradigm In Therapy" is the authors’ endeavor to demonstrate the value of using the Perioscope. We may want to consider referring a patient earlier for evaluation when we see areas of breakdown that will not resolve; as they may be due to something we are unable to see.
In a YouTube video, you can see the value of using a perioscope. "Perioscopy demonstrates restrictions of blind instrumentation in gum disease treatment" can be viewed at:
This newsletter is rich with information and case studies. Enjoy!
For more information on Perioscopy, visit: For an article on “Micro Ultrasonic Periodontal Endoscopy” by John Y. Kwan, DDS, visit:
Dr. Kwan
Maria Perno Goldie, RDH, MS
To read previous RDH eVillage FOCUS introductions by Editorial Director Maria Perno Goldie, go to introductions.