erectile dysfunction

July 25, 2011
Specialists in the treatment of erectile dysfunction discuss the results of the research conducted on behalf of the Journal of Periodontology that looks at the relationship between oral health and erectile dysfunction.

BURY, Manchester--Research conducted on behalf of the Journal of Periodontology suggests a link between periodontitus, a severe form of gum disease, and erectile dysfunction.

The study involved 70 individuals of which it was estimated around 80% suffered simultaneously from both conditions, with notable heightened erectile dysfunction in those suffering from severe periodontitus.

Researchers are keen to expand the study on a larger scale with longitudinal follow-up in order to further ascertain the link between the two and how this may affect men with either health concern. The research highlights the importance of good oral health in men and particularly in those suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Though the findings are preliminary, it is clear that an increased awareness of good oral hygiene is apparent in men experiencing ED problems.

These findings bring a number of common erectile dysfunction issues to the surface once more. First, the link between a disease such as periodontitus and ED is a relatively difficult concept of association and one which may also affect the general health of sufferers--a fact not necessarily welcomed by men who may find it difficult to seek treatment for the latter condition.

Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation made the following comments regarding the new research: “To associate gum disease, the major preventable cause of tooth loss in adults, with such a taboo subject amongst males is not something that should be taken lightly, if in theory, four out of five men who suffer from erectile dysfunction have poor oral health, the effect it could have on their general health poses a serious risk to those involved.”

Second, the reluctance of men suffering from erectile dysfunction to seek advice and treatments is an ongoing issue, an issue Medical Specialists are keen to resolve by offering confidential, medically accredited advice. Research such as that published in the Journal of Periodontology in to cause and prevention of the condition is welcomed by the company.

David Bailey, managing director of Medical Specialists, commented: “The more we know medically about erectile dysfunction, the more we can work to develop and supply effective treatments to combat this often debilitating condition. The result of this study confirms the correlation with gum disease and now we can take positive steps to reduce the risk of becoming a potential sufferer of erectile dysfunction.”

Medical Specialists would urge men to visit their dentist regularly as well as their doctor to ensure the healthy functionality of both areas. Prevention of potential gum disease in men is recommended by Dr. Carter, who suggests a routine of brushing twice daily, regular visits to the dentist and a reduction of sugary foods and drinks.

Erectile dysfunction can only be treated effectively with medical advice, recognised treatments and an understanding of the condition by sufferers. Medical Specialists offer all three.

“We are proud to employ GMC Doctors and RPSGB pharmacists to offer expert advice,” Managing Director David Bailey explained. "We supply Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra--the leading treatments for erectile dysfunction--which can be dispersed and delivered within a 24-hour period. There is no need to suffer in silence with this condition.”

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Famous sufferers of erectile dysfunction such as Sir Stirling Moss, agree that men should seek help and treatment for the condition rather than feel embarrassed or suffer in silence. In an interview with BBC News in 2006. Sir Moss admitted he suffered from the condition and had tried a variety of available treatments, such as Viagra UK, Cialis UK, and Levitra UK. He found Levitra suited him best.

Sir Stirling’s experimentation is common among sufferers. It is important to ascertain the correct treatment for the individual, a fact that Medical Specialists highlight with medical questions in order to prescribe the correct treatment for the individual. Sufferers may choose from Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra and can vary their treatment accordingly.

Finally, encouragement from famous names, such as Sir Stirling Moss and others encourages men to seek help. An online pharmacy, such as Medical Specialists, can provide expert medical advice and treatments with little embarrassment to the sufferer. This helps to reduce the stigma associated with erectile dysfunction.

Furthermore, the supply of recognized treatments Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra UK helps ensure customers are continually supplied with the best treatments available in the United Kingdom. Erectile dysfunction can be treated and Medical Specialists can help in respect to problems associated with this condition.

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